Morgan's challenge to sleep in his own bed seems to be progressing fairly well. Although, Dad climbs in bed with him it's a little hard to tell. I'm not sure if this is Dad's way of coping with the withdrawal or if it's just easier than listening to the crying. We've had to shut the door and endure the "DA DA! DA DA! Pease DA DA, I scarwed!" We've also had several talks about turning the big "3" and being a big boy. This has actually been quite effective. For example, shortly after Brian leaves Morgan's bed early this morning for the comfort of his own bed, Morgan comes storming out, screaming at the top of his lungs and throws himself on the kitchen floor. I tell him to go to bed or I'll shut him in. Silence. For a few seconds. Then more high pitched screams that makes you feel bad for the neighbors. I come out and scoop him up off the cold tile. He gets calm and as we near the hallway I tell him in a quiet voice how rude he's being to his siblings who are sleeping. Three grumpy voices chime in to say they, in fact, are not sleeping. As I'm laying him in bed I ask Morgan if he's going to be a big boy. He looks so adorable and there are tears streaming down his cheeks and his bottom lip quivers and he says, "Birtday cake n' ice ceam." We have a short chat on being a big boy and sleeping in his own bed. His eyes are so heavy they flutter as he tries to keep them open. I tell him he's doing good and kiss him goodnight. That was it.
First thing this morning he says at the side of my bed in his cute, excited voice, quite matter-of-factly, "Birtday powdee. Birtday powdee." Yes, a birthday party coming up soon. And I pull back the covers to let him climb in and I catch an awful stench hitting my nostrils and quickly add that the potty training is still part of the deal to turning three.
So we put on, lets see, today he's wearing WALL-E undies, and we go through the routine of not peeing on _________. He seems to be getting it because I've noticed just the last few days he'll walk around the house and I'll hear his small voice chanting this to himself. And yesterday in the truck as we're driving to Jiu Jitsi he says, what sounded like, "Mom, I not be cowboy." I'm driving, paying partial attention..."uh-huh." But then it occurred to me this didn't make any sense, he loves cowboys. They're right up there with Jones, Batman & Superman. Then he repeats himself of course and I realize it's, "I not pee on Kedible." (Yesterday was Mr. Incredible undies) And no, Morgan did not pee on him.
Here's a pair of undies in action as they play their dual roll: mask. I asked Morgan if he was Superman, also known as "Supemaan," and he said, "No. I Spidowmaan." Here he is, in his favorite hiding place.
(clicking on the picture gives you a better view)
"Spins a web, any size"
Only Morgie Porgie. Wish I were there. That kid cracks me up. :)