Busy Bee

Busy Bee

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Caden's Hair Cut

Caden has been needing a hair cut for a while. I always dread it because the long, wild hair seems to suit him and the mom in me thinks shorter hair makes him look older. Naturally I just as soon he stay little. So he's in my tub enduring my best attempt to keep his cut even and hopefully it's not too obvious it's a homemade, "my-mom-did-it!" haircut. So he's wiggling, fiddling, standing on one leg, hiking one leg on the side of the tub, itching at his back...pretty much everything but sitting still.

I said, "Caden! Hold your horses! Can't you just sit still? Don't you have any horses left?"

He sighs and replies with a quiet, drawn out "No."

I smile a little smile and ask where all the horses went.

Caden's impatient, straight faced reply, "They went out in the road and got hit by a car."