Busy Bee

Busy Bee

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Life goes on....

Hello all. It's been a bit. Life has a way of getting hairy at times. We've been busy. Started painting our bedroom, read 5 novels in about one week (four of which were the Twilight Saga)...which didn't leave much time for other, more pressing but much less fun tasks. We had a nice visit from the in-laws, and a recent visit from Chandra & her boys which was a lot of fun, Brian had Lasik eye surgery...and then there's just life in general.

Here's a sample of some recent moments:

- I'm bathing and I hear this loud banging on my bedroom door. I listen to Caden's "MOM! MOM!" on the other side. I can tell he's not hurt, he's not crying, but it's very desperate. "MOM!" Giggles...followed up with soft, unintelligible words that could only be spoken by Morgan. So I figure it doesn't qualify as me having to wrap up in a towel and drip across my bedroom. Then, "MOM! Morgan has a booger!"

- Our oldest three children playing with a balloon long past bedtime...hitting it back and forth in between their bedroom doors. Like I didn't notice the loud "thunk" every time a hand met with the big hallow beast and the bright blue sphere sailing back and forth in the hallway.

- I'm driving and look in my rearview mirror to see Morgan asleep and a pair of black Mr. Potato Head glasses perched on his nose. A little later I get Caden's rendition of "Hound Dog."

- Grandpa Butch offers to take Morgan to the bathroom and even volunteers to assist in the wiping of the hiney if necessary. Morgan decides he doesn't have to go after all. Grandpa says, "Okay. But you know who to call if you change you mind?"
Little voice replies, "Ghostbusters."

- Nothing like a late night chunky vomit in the top bunk as an utmost, rude awakening to one of the uglier, more odoriferous sides of parenting.

*Note to parents: rinse the sheet carefully in the kitchen sink...the side with the garbage disposal. Much better than cleaning the mess out of the washer later. Then, very thoroughly disinfect the sink & surrounding areas. I mean, I'm pretty sure most parents would know to disinfect...but wonder's never cease.

**p.s.- (To Chandra) As I was rinsing chunks into my sink with a lame attempt to not really "see" what was falling against the stainless steel I couldn't help but think of you. For a moment I panicked my poor disposal wasn't up for the task. I need to remind Caden to chew his food.


  1. I assumed you were thinking of the beef jerky terd I pulled out of my washer. Glad the little guy is feeling better :)

  2. Just went through a week of everyone barfing. Could barely keep up with the bed laundry. Good tip, by the way.

    And Chandra... that's so disgusting.

  3. your kids are soo funny...of course i died laughing at morgans ghostbusters comment....i watched indy jones trilogy last night and thought....it will be great when me and morg can watch pg13 movies together and quote the entire time :)


  4. Chandra, I was referring to your episode in the parking lot and Quentin's obvious disgust. (though looking back I'm impressed you were somehow able to walk and barf simultaneously.)

    James, bed laundry can be tricky during those times. Hope you are all done for the season.

    And Poe, Yes, you and Morgan have many good times of quoting to look forward too. He's got skillz that one.
